Monday, December 10, 2012

Final Day on Google Presentation

Today in human geo class we were given the class period to do our google presentation slides on the product in which we were either for America or for foreign products. My group was to be for America and to convince or persuade them to buy the American good. The item/product in which we are doing is chopstick. This is traditionally a Chinese product that America is starting to produce because of the demand it is having over seas since the Chinese and Japanese do not have enough wood to produce these. A couple facts about the American products is that they have more quality that the other foreign products and it is helping America with its economy because the chopstick is one of the most commonly used products in China and they are buying tons of them from us all from the little town of Americus,Georgia. My group had worked on it over the weekend and we had a lot of it already done, but we needed a little more information in which we got and until Wednesday my group and I will be putting the finishing touches on it!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Today in human geo class we finished up the last few minutes of the video on capitalism in which we were watching. This final video was mostly about the car expansion and the booming business in which China is having because of more and more people driving vehicles, which also means more and more people working on building roads for the Chinese people. The people were getting paid very little money for what they were doing, while if they had the same jobs in America they would be getting paid a lot more then they were. We also had a shadow in class today and she was Julia's shadow. She liked to ride horses and was a competitor and won ribbons, like the speech and debate team does. Talking of which 8 of the 14 people we had entered had won a ribbon for the school. Then after we had finished the video we had been told to get into groups because we were doing a presentation on something in which we did not know at first. Then after we had gotten into our groups, mine being with Cole, Ellie, and Matt, we were told that it would be on us creating it on an American good that was made in America. However, my email for school was not working so it took my awhile to get started because then I had to receive an email to my gmail account, but I still had time to find the merchandise product in which we were going to present on, chopsticks. That was all I had time for in class and now we have to finish it together by Tuesday.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Definitions for Words

  • Capitalism: An economic system based on a free market, open competition, profit motive and private ownership of the means of production. Capitalism encourages private investment and business, compared to a government-controlled economy. Investors in these private companies (i.e. shareholders) also own the firms and are known as capitalists. It is economic and political system. They are controlled by private owners. The means of production is the process and things needed to make the product, the government doesn't run the business, but they might have a few laws to make it safe.
  • Communism is a political system that aims to establish a classless society based on communal ownership of property. It attempts to resolve many of the inequities and problems that arise from capitalism, as well as the lingering effects of colonialism. 
  • Free enterprise: Business governed by the market forces of demand and supply, un-restrained by undue government interference through excessive controls and regulations. In general, a synonym for capitalism
  • Free Market: A free market economy is an economy in which the allocation for resources is determined only by their supply and the demand for them. This is mainly a theoretical concept as every country, even capitalist ones, places some restrictions on the ownership and exchange of commodities.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Video part 2

In class today I figured out there was another part to the video we were watching about China. In class today we finished up the first part of the video and moved onto the second part which included more information on how China was developing  Today in class the video started talking about auto mobiles in China. In the 1950's there weren't people riding cars everywhere it was basically people riding their bikes to wherever they want because typically people would not go far beyond where they were born. It also talked about how it was helping the people and the bad in which came with the country developing cars. This you could say might be a plus for America because they are having their insurance company go out to China and make business there. This could be a very great investment for American insurance companies or it might be a financial disaster, but they have to understand that in China making an investment is over a long period of time not a couple of years. We also learned how it is dangerous to drive in China because most people are new drivers and they do not know what they are doing. Another fact in which we learned is the way they are building their roads by people that have no money and are willing to do the labor.