Thursday, August 30, 2012

Critical Thinking, Philosophy, and Excellence

Today was another class full of information and new things I learned. In this class it made you think, you had to actually use your brain and have thoughts about it. We learned about Socrates who was not an attractive human being at all, but one of the wisest men to live in his time. He seemed like a pretty chill and funny guy too. He stood up for what he believed was right. He did not think he did anything wrong so he would not apologize even when his life was about to be taken. Also in class we learned about critical thinking. Critical thinking is when you really have to use your brain. The Socrates Method was also a topic we discussed in class today. We learned that it was based upon asking and answering questions. The teacher would ask the student a question and that is how the student would learn. We had an example of that in class today. Also in class we talked about excellence. A word the ancient Greek used for excellence was "arete." The topic of democracy was also discussed in class today. During this time the first democracy was made. This is where the every individual has a say. Everyone voted for anything as simple as the price of olive oil to something serious such as war. A government where the people ruled themselves not someone telling them what to do. This was the first time ever that something of that nature was created EVER. It was a big step in history so that we still use it in the U.S.A. today.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Message to Garcia

Today's class was more serious than usual. We talked about the world of college and beyond it might look far away to me today as I think I just started my freshman year of high school the decisions and habits I decide to make now will guide me on my path to college. If I am goofing off in class, not doing what I'm suppose to on my tablet, or not paying attention to my teachers. We learned that we should always do our job and to not be lazy or find excuses. Like Rowan he was told to deliver the message to General Garcia and did it without asking any questions. He did not ask someone else to accompany him he just did as he was told. It is important for us to not ask questions and just do the object at hand. Rowan didn't even ask where Garcia was he just traveled to Cuba and in 4 days he exited the other side of the country with the message delivered. Most people are not like Rowan and ask a whole bunch of questions while doing one simple task, but there are still some that are not lazy and do what they are told. It is my personal responsibility to do what I am told no one is going to force me in college I will have to be responsible enough to do it on my own. This story was a pep talk to start high school with some energy and the right track so I will continue on this track throughout my life. To be that kid that does what is right and the way it was meant to be done. 
arete- as valor and virtue, making up good character
polis- an ancient Greek city or state
Socrates-  Athenian philosopher
The Socratic method- A method used by Socrates which was to teach by questions and answers
death of Socrates- Socrates was considered to be nonreligious and there was a vote to see his punishment. They ultimately voted for him to have the death penalty.
the date 508 B.C.- Zeus died
Agora- It was the center of Athens
what the Ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- having bad judgement in public and political matters, not participating in votes, and being self centered 

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Beginning of High School

Today in our class we learned about the syllabus. It was an interesting class because we have some interesting kids in the class. It was fun with the mixture of Mr. Schicks comedy, but we also had some serious moments in class. We talked about how it was important to pay attention in class and not get distracted by the tablet we have even though we might be bored. It is important because John Carroll is suppose to prepare us for college which is my goal to accomplish after high school. If I am not responsible now with my teachers caring and setting discipline in these areas I will not pay attention in college when I have that choice to do what I please in class. We also had some fun with any nick names we wanted like mine would be Special K! In the class we learned why we write down our notes instead of using the tablets. This class was like an informational class to know the rules, how things happened, and why things happened the way they do. I am really looking forward to this class hoping it will be as fun as it has been so far!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

My First Day of School

My first day of school was amazing and filled with new experiences.  I had high expectations for my first day at John Carroll and those expectations were met my first day! I was a little nervous going into the day, but I met the kids that I knew from my old school and also my brothers from the John Carroll Football team. It was not as hard because I was with those guys my entire summer vacation preparing for a successful season and now we will be together in school! First everyone was in the auditorium together where there was a presentation and a series of prayers for the class of 2016. After that we headed toward our advisories and to our lockers. There was also a fire drill there and afterwards we had a little snack. Included in the day were our groups we went around in to check out the school and were given information about what the school was like and opportunities we have to participate in the school for such as clubs. We had lunch and then a sample of our classes which was nice to meet the teachers and see where the classes were located. I was also told what was expected of me from my teachers and the basic rules of school. I met new people that I will be spending the next four years of my life with and the teachers that will help prepare me for life as an adult. I learned that there is nothing else like high school and I have to look back at it with no regrets!