Thursday, August 30, 2012

Critical Thinking, Philosophy, and Excellence

Today was another class full of information and new things I learned. In this class it made you think, you had to actually use your brain and have thoughts about it. We learned about Socrates who was not an attractive human being at all, but one of the wisest men to live in his time. He seemed like a pretty chill and funny guy too. He stood up for what he believed was right. He did not think he did anything wrong so he would not apologize even when his life was about to be taken. Also in class we learned about critical thinking. Critical thinking is when you really have to use your brain. The Socrates Method was also a topic we discussed in class today. We learned that it was based upon asking and answering questions. The teacher would ask the student a question and that is how the student would learn. We had an example of that in class today. Also in class we talked about excellence. A word the ancient Greek used for excellence was "arete." The topic of democracy was also discussed in class today. During this time the first democracy was made. This is where the every individual has a say. Everyone voted for anything as simple as the price of olive oil to something serious such as war. A government where the people ruled themselves not someone telling them what to do. This was the first time ever that something of that nature was created EVER. It was a big step in history so that we still use it in the U.S.A. today.

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