Friday, November 30, 2012

Finishing Video

In human geo class today we started off by watching the rest of the video which we have been watching the past couple of days. It showed a lady who was struggling in her relationship with her husband, but would have already separated if it were not for the daughter in which they had. The husband of her had a drinking problem and was a farmer, when the plants were ready to sell she would take a bus and carry 150 pounds of whatever vegetation she had to sell and go sell it to people. They only make $547 a year as a net profit and about half of that money goes to their daughters education. That is the hope China has in its children they are training them to make advancements in society and gain money no matter what background they came from.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Extension on video

Today in human geo class we just went on with the video we were watching the other day. Today we learned about the lady again on how she didn't think it was fair that her job was taken away, but she still went to walmart because stuff was cheaper there, however if people like hers jobs were never moved to China then there would not be that much cheap stuff in America. In class we also learned about interdependence. Interdependence is when every country, in this case, relies on each other or they wouldn't be able to operate the way they are use to operating. An example of this is how America depends upon China to have their workers work for next to nothing to keep the products we sell here in America a lot cheaper. While China is dependent upon America to first of all have the supplies to provide them with and also to have America buy all the products in which China makes to sell. Then we also have Mexican Migrant workers who come to the U.S. and are willing to do all the hard work for a long period of time that Americans are too lazy to do for that pay amount. They are hardworking people who buy cheap stuff and work hard in America to do the dirty work.

Briggs and Strat

In class we watched more of the video that we were watching on Monday. The part of the video we watched in class was about how the Chinese were connected to unemployed workers in America. There was a company called Briggs and Strats located in a small town which employed around 480 American workers. There was a lady in the video who had been working at the company for many years and a Chinese person asked her how to do her job, but she refused to show her because she knew what was coming next and that was her job was going to replaced by Chinese workers.  This video also showed why it was smart for the company to move to China event thought its original goal might have been to decrease the pricing so they could increase sales to Asians. This company saved around 10-11 million dollars just by replacing 480 some American workers with Chinese workers, just imagine how much bigger companies are saving by locating their plants in China.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Today in class we went over the test for the first part of class we went over the tests. The average of the class was a 93.1 which Cole had guessed correctly somehow, however that was the highest percentage out of all of the classes that Mr. Schick has this year in the freshman class. So far in this unit I have gotten a hundred on every test/quiz which has been nice. If we got a perfect score we would get two dings, but if you just got an A you only got one dig and if you didn't get an A you got nothing. My test was kept last and it was a hundred like usual. After we had gone through every answer on the test we also watched a video about how Mexican migrant workers, unemployed Americans, and Chinese had all in common. We also talked about how unfortunate it was in China to only be allowed to have one child in the city, but the people still followed the rule unlike Americans would disobey it. Also in class today there was a discussion about the guest speaker that we are going to have tomorrow who is Gerry Sanduscky the broadcaster not the pedophile. He is going to talk to us about how things have changed in his life because of another mans mistake in life.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Today in human geography class we took a test on the world leaders and their countries. There were 13 countries that we had studied in various parts of the earth. You could say we studied 14 world leaders however because in the middle of our studies China had elected a new leader into their government by using their 7 men who decide who will be the leader of the country for the billions of Chinese people. The test I thought was pretty easy I finished it and checked all my answers and still was the first one done! I did not even have to look at my blog to figure out what the answers were I knew it all already! We also handed in our papers, I think I am going to get a very good grade on it because I fulfilled the requirements and worked hard upon it. I also went over the suggested word count I actually ended up doubling the word count. I learned in class that Mr. Schick really likes Indian food and one day this year I am going to bring in food for him my mom said that it was cool and she would make him food one day and I would bring it in to school for him to try and eat.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

World Countries

Mexico's independence was declared on 16 September 1810 and the organized date of independence by Spain was 27 September 1821. Mexico gained its independence from Spain. The country of Mexico is officially called United Mexican States. It was colonized and conquered by Spain in the early 16th century. The period before they were conquered they saw the spread of distinct religious and symbolic traditions, as well as artistic and architectural complexes.

Germany's official Independence Day is January 18, 1871. Germany was never conquered by anyone this independence day is because this is the official date of uni faction of Germany. Although after world war 2 they were divided into occupation into four different areas by four different countries that included UK, US, USSR, and France. They were told to dismantle their army and was divided up. Berlin was divided into two separate parts and families got separated  There was a wall set up and which ever side you ended up on you were stuck with it. All of Germany's neighbhoring countries were

Afghanistan gained its independence on August 19, 1919 from the control of the United Kingdom for control over foreign affairs. Ahmad Shah Durrani unified the Pashtun tribes and founded Afghanistan in 1747. They had a brief stint where they tried to have a democracy type government, but they ended up as a communist country. The silk road was a very important passage way. This country is the most difficult country to conquer. It is among one of the most difficult place to look in because of rocky terrain, mountains, and no place for war planes. A Taliban group that fights and conquers the country. We supply the Afghans with weapons and then they

India celebrates its independence on August 15, 1947. They were free from the United Kingdom through repeated attempts from Muhatmand Ghandi.

Brazil was conquered by Portugal in the 1500s. They established themselves in the city of Rio and that become the official seat of the Portuguese empire. They have had their independence for around 200 years. They were colonized by a European nation

China's official date of independence is October 1, 1949.
China is one of the world's oldest civilizations.  As long ago as 221 BC, China was unified as a nation during the Qin dynasty.  They formed a republic on January 1, 1912.  The current Communist government, officially called the People's Republic of China, was formed in 1949. They have never ever been under the rule of someone. It is not a republic because they can't vote they are defiantly communist.

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is a middle eastern country founded in 1932 and declared it's independence on September 23, 1932.  Saudi Arabia was not under control of any country before it declared independence. They were never colonized so their independence day was when their kingdom was created.

Iran is a middle eastern country founded in 1935 and became independent on April 1, 1979 when the ruling monarchy was overthrown and Shah Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI was forced into exile. Before Iran gained it's independence, it was know as Persia. They were ruled by the Shahs. They got rid of the Shahs they made an Islamic republic. The Iotoma was a holy man and got an army up and through the Shahs out of the country.

July 15, 1811 is its independence day. They were the subject of Spain. For most of the first half of the 20th century they were ruled by benevolent military strongmen. They promoted the oil industry and allowed for some social reforms.

United Kingdom:
The United Kingdom was never subject to anyone else they have taken over coutnries although. The sun never set upon the British empire. They ruled America at once. They had on of the most powerful armys in the world. They were repeatedly fighting France to fight over colonies.

France has no official date of independence but, they celebrate a national holiday known as Fete de la Federation on July, 14.This holiday is to celebrate the establishment of a constitutional monarchy dating back to 1789. They had their independence because they won the French Revolution ending in 1789. They did not have anyone come and take them over. The oldest traces of human life in what is now France date back to 1,800,000 years ago.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tests Back

Today in human geo class all we did was go over the test that we had taken on Friday. We had a shorten bell schedule because we had the honors assembly and I got honors! On the test that we had to take today I also got a 100 so you could say that it was a good day for me academically. I was confident that I had gotten a 100 on the test because I was well prepared and was paying attention in class, I also got a review in when I did my blogs at night. We went over the answers and some people were just incapable of saying the names correctly at first in class. Greg could not say Enrique Pena Neito for quite a while, but eventually he got it. We went around the class room everyone answering one question and giving the answer. We also learned that now in class China has its new leader! Hu Jinato is no longer the head of the nation the new leader elected was Xi Jimping. In class we talked about how they were communist and all. We also talked about how they picked their president and how no one knows who it's going to be or have any say in who it is going to be. Also we talked about the situation in the middle east especially between Iran and Israel. We talked about the options they could take on the nuclear energy that Iran is building on which they are almost positive it is for bombs. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Colonialism and Imperialism

For human geo class we had an hour late bell schedule because we came in an hour late. The first thing we did in class was take a little pop quiz, but it was posted on his blog we do not know when the next pop quiz would pop up. The first part of the quiz was a duplicate of the quiz we took earlier which was on matching up the correct world leader with the country they were the leader of. On the first quiz I had gotten a 100 and I expect that I got all of these correct also. On the back was the new part of the quiz it asked questions about the world leaders and events in their life that made them the leader they are. It also gave information on what kind of leader and qualities they would have. We were allowed to use our blogs with the quiz, but I felt confident that I knew the answers and was paying attention to them that I did not need to look at my blog to get a 100%. In the next part of class after we had finished our quiz we moved on and talked about imperialism and colonialism. There are some countries that think that we are imperialistic because we are taking away their culture because of things such as McDonalds and the things they eat. These countries sometimes are very annoyed and irritated by us, such as Venezuela. The other word that we had learned today in class was colonialism. Colonialism is controlling state invades another region for its resources or immigration. Colonialism is one of the ways a country may accomplish imperialism. The powerpoint that was presented to us was made by a college professor.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Location of World Leaders

Today in human geo we talked about the location of the world leaders of the world. For the test that we will have for the world leaders we should be able to locate where all the world leaders live and are the leaders of. In class we also talked about more and more facts about these people that lead their countries. Mr. Schick would call on people that volunteered or randomly that he wanted to. The point of this was to have the person that was chosen give a fact or a few facts on the person which they had chosen. After they would pick the world leader and give the facts about him they would have to locate the country of their origin on the globe. There was also 2 shadows that came to class today. The shadows were Camren and Erin. Camren wants to go to Calvert Hall, but I got to know him and tried my best to have him come to John Carroll and my main point for him coming to JC was the beautiful ladies we have here.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Information On the Leaders

Today in human geo class we basically just went over information on the leaders that we looked up and are researching. In the beginning of class we went over our quizzes and I received a 100% on mine! I personally believed it was easy knowing the leaders of the country by looking at their name because they sound like common names for their nationality. Then we went over facts about the political leaders. The idea was to find information on them that either made them benefit being a leader, showed leadership qualities, or not be a good leader. Such as the Brazilian leader right now she was arrested and put in jail for 2 years and was literally tortured in jail for those 2 years, but she did not say I am not going to help my country she continued and now she is a leader for her country. We learned about Hu Jintao and how he turned around China's economy by making the decision by being a powerhouse and creating products for countries all around. In the end of class we also talked about terrorist and how much it has changed the American views on things. Everything was changed after that one incident and now everyone who boards a plane is looked upon as a possible terrorist. We talked how one event changed everything and how that event before it we were not as strict on flights, but now we are. We got to this conversation because we talked about how on an Israeli plane there are 2 military men on flight and armed for the safety of the passengers.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Information On Presidents

  Enrique Peña Nieto
  • Former governor of the State of Mexico
  • He was interested in politics when elected class leader in elementary school
  • Marches against him have consisted of thousands of people
Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
  • He was the son of the founder of Saudi Arabia 
  • He was the mayor of Mecca as a young man
  • Has had 13 wives and at least 35 kids
Angela Merkel
  • Served as a deputy spokesperson in the wake of the revolution 
  • She was also a member of the youth movement led by socialists
  • 4th powerful most person in the world
Benjamin Netanyahu
  • He became the team leader in the Sayeret Matkal special forces
  • Was a member of main close border raids in the military even when only going back to Isreal for Yom Kippur
  • 2 miltary men having someone on every flight
  • First guy to be born in isreal to become their leader
 Hu Jintao
  • He has established his country as a world power through growth of his countries economy
  • He dissmissed many political leaders in 2003 just a year after him taking over
  • He has had a plan to had less growth population
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
  • He is an engineer and teacher however he comes from a poor background
  • Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also has joined the army for his country
 Hamad Karzai
  • He became a popular and powerful leader after the taliban were removed from being the head of Afghanistan 
  • After he has taken over the economy of Afghan has been booming
  • His brother was a drug smuggler
  • Many people planned to assasinate him at least 4 different attempts
  • taliban was in charge before hamad
 François Hollande
  • Francois was spotted as a great politician by a party leader immediately
  • He is divorced
  • He was a special advisor 
  Pranab Mukherjee
  • He is an author
  • He was a finance minister 
Hugo Chavez
  • He had a career as a military leader
  • He called George Bush to a fight
  • He was in jail for 2 years
David Cameron
  • He rose rapidly through politics and moved up through the ranks 
  • He is a graduate from Oxford University
  • He was once involved in a drug scandal at Etan College 
Dilma Rousseff
  • As a youth she joined many groups fighting against military dictatorship
  • Her friend from youth was a Nobel prize nominated 
  • First women elected president of Brazil
  • Captured in jail for trying to throw over the government and was tortured 
  • Coup d'etat-try to take over country through revolutionary means 
Barack Obama
  • He was the first black president 
  • He used to smoke weed
  • He went to the Harvard law School
  • He went to work for civil rights