Thursday, November 29, 2012

Briggs and Strat

In class we watched more of the video that we were watching on Monday. The part of the video we watched in class was about how the Chinese were connected to unemployed workers in America. There was a company called Briggs and Strats located in a small town which employed around 480 American workers. There was a lady in the video who had been working at the company for many years and a Chinese person asked her how to do her job, but she refused to show her because she knew what was coming next and that was her job was going to replaced by Chinese workers.  This video also showed why it was smart for the company to move to China event thought its original goal might have been to decrease the pricing so they could increase sales to Asians. This company saved around 10-11 million dollars just by replacing 480 some American workers with Chinese workers, just imagine how much bigger companies are saving by locating their plants in China.

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