Saturday, September 22, 2012

Other Countries

In class on Friday we talked about how we were going to have a test on what we have learned so far in class! In the beginning of class we went over the final presentation which was on the United States Of America! They had a good presentation and I enjoyed it because it gave me a perspective on how America was doing in the categories we had went over in class. The people who presented in that group were Caroline and Erin. IT was funny because their code to move on to the next slide was for Erin to cough. So about the test I am not looking forward to it, but I have been paying attention in class and getting my blogs done so hopefully I will do well! I am going to have to review a bit on Sunday, but I think I should be fine. We went over stuff that we should know such as the video and Socrates stuff.

My Presentation

Today in class I went over my presentation on the country of Nigeria! My group picked me to present the presentation we had created in my group of our country. It was fun doing the presentation. Also there were two other groups beside mine that went up and did their presentation! It was a chill class and while the person was presenting the other group members would have to be on the website looking up facts that Mr. Schick would ask. We went over the simple facts that we learned in human geo about the world such as population and tfr. A point of the assignment was to get to know and be familiar with using the factbook where there is countless information on countries. The football player groups were suppose to go up first because we had to leave early for our game which we sadly had lost! Stoots and Gregs group were the other ones to go up they did it on the countries of Italy and Thialand!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today in class we were doing our project on our country the entire time. We used google drive then presentation to do this and we have to finish it tonight for homework. The country which I have is Nigeria.

Rates and TEST:(

In today’s class we first of all figured out that we were going to have a test later this week. We mostly took notes today about rates. Some of the notes we took were about the birth rate and the death rate. We also talked about the world population and how it was continuing to grow and there are about 7 billion people in the world. Most of the world’s population is growing in developing countries such as the African countries. Also there was a chart on how rapidly the world was growing in billions it ended up it took about 12 years to have a billion more people in the world. Now however the world is not growing as rapidly because the world’s biggest population producing country has cut down on how many people it creates they are trying to have a ZPG(zero population growth). We learned about a TFR which is the total fraternity rate which means the average number of children per women. Also about crude death and birth rate. The CBR is the number of births for 1000 of the population. The CDR is the number of deaths for 1000 of population. Also learned about the NMR which is the number of people coming in subtracted from number of people leaving the country. 

Reviewing 3.0 Video

During this class we went over a video that was posted on youtube called "Did you know 3.0" In this class it was mostly about getting everyone involved and talking about the video. It was interesting to see what type of things our generation in America is like. Such as in Indian there are more honor students then there are students in America combined. There were many interesting facts that the video taught us. Another thing I found intriguing is that the ipod had over 50 million users in just the span of 3 years. Also that Apple was the leading technology seller however 72% of its sales are from the ipod and iphone which have only been around for 5 years which is astonishing. There are so many advancements that we have in the world and how fast things move in the internet such as how many people are on the internet posting. The world is advancing for the better or not, but it is happening at a rapidly fast pace just think how it will be in a decade or two from now!


I was surprised that 840 million people used facebook. This was a very surprising fact that so many people are on facebook. That is a lot of people connecting to it. Facebook has come almost addicting and like a drug to most people. It keeps some people from doing their homework like it does to me. Also that India has more honor students then America. This is surprising knowing that America had some of the best universities and education systems in the world. However it shows how much less emphasis we put in education unlike other countries who are starting to put more emphasis. Also how many more jobs a single person will have by the age of 38 years which is 10-14 which is an astonishing number compared to my parents time. Also how much people are on the internet on twitter, facebook, and search engines such as Google. China will have more English speaking people than America will is crazy in my mind that Chinese is still going to be the national language. Also that so many people are becoming millionaires off of music, but still over 600,000 songs were downloaded illegally in a four minute span. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Reviewing Questions

Today in Human Geo class we were talking to about reviewing the questions we had to do in class while Mr. Schick was absent. The answers to the questions we had were suppose to come from the CIA fact book. While I was answering the questions I received knowledge however today in class with the conversations Mr. Schick started we learned so much more and thought about it diligently. After this class I came out with more of an understanding of the world and how America compares to the rest of the world. We think 8.1% unemployment rate is pretty bad(which for us is), however there are some countries in the world such as Zimbabwe who have 95% which is utterly disappointing.  America imports the most oil in the world which is no surprise at all however we could be using alternative ways of energy to support our life style. Also we need oil so badly we even buy oil from Venezuala who hates us and they are not secretive about it. They called our president the devil and yet we can do nothing because we need them for oil or the prices would go unbelievably higher. Also we talked about how we could be able to create our own products, but the cost would be considerably higher because in America we have a minimum wage however in other countries there is no such thing and there is so much poverty. In today's class it was fun like usual and it was also very informational and gave me a greater perspective on the world and America.

Monday, September 10, 2012

CIA Fact Book

What is the population of the United States? 313,847,465

What are the five largest countries in the world, by population? China, Indian, United States, Indonesia, and Brazil

What is the population of Pakistan? 190,291,129

What kind of government does the United States have? Constitution based, democratic strong, and federal republic

What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe? 95% as of 2009

What is the largest country in the world by area? Russia

What country has the third greatest number of airports? Mexico

What country has the greatest number of exports? China
What country exports more oil than any other? Saudi Arabia
What country imports more oil than any other? United States
What country consumes more oil than any other? United States
Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military? yes
What is GDP? The gross domestic product
What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?Liechtenstein and $141,100
Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita? No, they are 11th
Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent? Africa
11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent? Africa
What other country is in the top ten? India
Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths? 18
Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones? No they are 3rd
What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic? 23.9%
What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic? 76.5%
What is Net Migration Rate? Difference between number of people leaving and entering the country yearly
Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?no it is ranked 26
What is the current population of the entire planet? 7,021,836,029 people
The two most interesting facts I thought were that the U.S. was ranked 26th in net immigration rate. I thought they would be considerably higher. Also the number of Roman Catholics was higher in Mexico than in the U.S.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Evaluating Websites

1. This is a real website and you are able to use it as a trusted site. It is also a government website so it can be trusted. It can be used as a general research website too because the facts are easy to find.
2. This is also a website that can be used for research and trusted because it is set up by a foundation that is set to help others for stuff like research and learning. This can also be used for general context stuff.
3. That was a fake website it talked about something that I know is not true. Its a whole bunch of baloney stuff someone made up to see what would happen. This is not a website you should use for research.
4. This is a real website and also a government website, but it should not be used for research because it is for young kids interested about things related to nasa.
5. The website is real, but it is used by a news company which means you probably will not use it for a research paper. This website is good for looking up things for your own information on things such as politics.
6. The website number 6 is real, but it is again only used to find general information about what is going on not a good website to use for a research paper.
7. This website is good for general usage and is not fake, but it should not be used as a main website for research.
8. This website from wiki should not be used as a main website for research, but it can be a start off point for something. You can use it for information, but you should back that information up with another website they have for you to use.
9. The final website is real, but no research should be done on it. It is a blog so you shouldn't look things up with it. The website is not made for the general public it is made for individuals that are part of the classes Mr. Schick teaches.
In class today I spent it doing this project. There was nothing else that really happened in class besides this.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today in class we mostly talked about wikipedia and if it was a good site or if it was not. It is openly aloud to be changed by people if they choose, but it is not as bad as some people make it seem. The website is constantly being checked and if there is a mistake a reader could catch it and contact wiki to fix the problem.  Also it is updated all the time so therefor it is a more reliable resource than any other encyclopedia because it is updated. Back when Mr. Schick was in high school(could not have been too long ago) the only thing changed in the book would be the current events everything else would be the same. Wiki is also the biggest in the world and has anything you could imagine inside of its website. Also things that are really important can be blocked off by wiki. An example of that is President Obama's page right now can not be edited because it is election time and someone could write false information that would impact the election. In class we also discussed on how we wanted Sean to stay in our class. I hope he sent Mr. Schick that email! Hopefully he will be aloud to not drop our class and still do STEM. If he is not in our class I will miss him!

Monday, September 3, 2012


In class we learned about the essays we were all going to have to do. In the beginning of class however we had to wait for Damian because he could not send a simple email so I had to do it for him. Then when we finally got going we were apparently ahead of all the other classes. We went over the definitions we had to do. Some of them were review and others we never went over. This was a chill class. We talked about our essays that we had to do over the weekend which was pretty simple. Also what the grades were going to be like. The first blog I ever did, which was the one of orientation, is worth 1o points then all the others are worth 2. Then the essays we are doing are worth 25 points each. We watched a youtube clip because we had done everything that needed to be done. The clip showed people doing a show where it looked very difficult and took a lot of preparation. Then in the final minuets we had we talked about the football game against Bo Manor. We talked about our expectations and how that this was going to be an easy game for us. Also if I scored I would point out Mr. Schick.

Essay #3

           In my four years at John Carroll I hope to become a respectful and also respected student athlete. I want to be successful and to be successful is not going to be easy it will take hard work. I will approach these years of high school with the thriving to be excellent in anything and everything I try to do. I hope in high school I will be known as a well liked kid for who I really am and learn to be a leader through my athletic career at JC.
          To be a respectful and respected student athlete will not be an easy task. There are two parts to do this I have to be respected as a student and also an athlete. In order to be respected as a student I have to be a good classmate. In order to be respected by my teachers I have to not be a disturbance in the classroom, try my best, and be a participating student. As an athlete I have to be successful on the field and be a good example. I have to always be working hard and giving it my all and come through for my team. I have to also help my teammates on and off the field. Make sure they do not do anything they are not suppose to and they are paying attention in school.
             At John Carroll I want to be successful. To be successful there are many things that factor into that. I have to get great grades and be accepted into a great college. To get there I have to study hard and ask questions if I do not understand anything. I have to pay attention in class and be prepared for every test I have. There will be many challenges as a student in school. There will always be drama in any school you go to and I have to learn not to be involved in any of it. I can't get distracted easily in school and outside of school while I am doing homework. All of these things are going to be necessary to be successful in school.
            Another way I want to approach high school is to be excellent. This maybe one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. In my mind to achieve this I have to have the mentally that everything I do I could do better. If I am satisfied that means that will be my best. I have to have that thirst to be excellent and be the best. It is like the way I have been approaching high school football. If I ever got satisfied it would only hold me back from being excellent. "The only hinderence of being great is being satisfied with being good." I am already doing that in my athletics, but now I also have to do it academically. This will not be easy, but if I keep on working on it it will be accomplish able.
                Enjoy life and have fun is an important way to approach high school in my mind. These next four years are suppose to have some of the best memories of life. I have to be willing to let lose sometimes and have a great time. I have to balance school with fun still it can't be all fun, but then again I also have to do what makes me happy which is really important to me.
           The last way I will talk about approaching high school is to live it with no regrets. This is probably my motto for high school. I want to be friends and be friendly. I do not want to look back at my high school years and say I wish I got to know you better. I want to participate in everything I thought was interesting and I would like. There are many clubs to participate in for high school which I would like to explore. I have to take advantage of every opportunity I can get.
          This is how I want to approach high school. I am hoping that I will achieve in all of these ways. When I am graduating as a senior my dreams will come true and I will be prepared for my next years of college. That journey will be tougher than this one in high school. I want to be well prepared for college through high school which is an objective of JC. I hope to live life with no regrets.

Essay #2

If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates showed up and time traveled to the present they would be utterly shocked. Elbert would have been glad and ecstatic with the way people were back then in his time and age. I also think he was kind of expecting the people in the future to be like this. Most people procrastinating and not doing what they are suppose to when they are supposed to. He would write a book with such anger and frustration that it would have been far greater then the one he wrote about A Message To Garcia. Socrates would be disappointed some, but also happy with some of the few leaders that are not afraid to step up. Socrates would not like how some kids do not use their brain at all and do not even try. How in his life time most kids were eager to learn and become wise and in the present age there would be only a few. Also no parents would let there kids come and walk with a random ugly fat guy that believed he was one of the wisest men to ever live. He would also be proud to see all the advancements that the people that went the extra mile, eager to learn kids have come up with. The medical advancements that we have and how much more the average person knows compared to back in his day. Both would also be happy and proud of themselves that they are still being talked about today and the wonders they have done for the children of the world today in their teachings and lessons.

Essay #1

The definition of arete that I have come up with in the past few days is making up of good character, being a good citizen, and excellence. The ancient Greeks and Socrates set a great example for us to follow. Socrates was always around young children teaching them with their own brains. He was unlocking their brains of all the knowledge they did not know they had. This is an example of being a good person because  he is helping the future generation. He is making them wiser and unleashing the knowledge some people never knew they even had. Also he taught by example that you should always believe in what the consequence was. He proved this because when he was told to apologize he did not against the biggest consequence, being sentenced to death. This is one of the best examples of being a good character because he taught to always stand up for what you think is right. The ancient Greeks also show'd  being a good citizen by making democracy. They developed this type of government which is being used by America today, which is now considered one of the best nations and a world power by most. They let the people vote and pick in what they thought it was right which was making up of great character. Unlike the rest of the nations around them they decided to make a change and be a leader.