Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rates and TEST:(

In today’s class we first of all figured out that we were going to have a test later this week. We mostly took notes today about rates. Some of the notes we took were about the birth rate and the death rate. We also talked about the world population and how it was continuing to grow and there are about 7 billion people in the world. Most of the world’s population is growing in developing countries such as the African countries. Also there was a chart on how rapidly the world was growing in billions it ended up it took about 12 years to have a billion more people in the world. Now however the world is not growing as rapidly because the world’s biggest population producing country has cut down on how many people it creates they are trying to have a ZPG(zero population growth). We learned about a TFR which is the total fraternity rate which means the average number of children per women. Also about crude death and birth rate. The CBR is the number of births for 1000 of the population. The CDR is the number of deaths for 1000 of population. Also learned about the NMR which is the number of people coming in subtracted from number of people leaving the country. 

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