Sunday, October 14, 2012

Classwork on FIve Religions

In class on Friday I did not start the classwork because I was helping Isaac out and telling him what class was going to be like and helping him set up his blog.
      Christianity was first established in 30 A.D. in Jerusalem  Christianity is a monotheistic religion because the people believe that there is only one true God. Yes, Christians do have a holy book and their holy book is called the New Testament in the Bible.  The New Testament is a collection of sacred texts that have been put together into one book which is known as the word of God and how Christians today can talk to God. Christianity is the worlds largest religion and 2.1 billion people claim to be Christians. The figure of Christianity is Jesus Christ who is believed to be the Son of God and has been fully man and fully God at the same time also another leader in Christianity is the Pope.. After the death of Christ his followers spread his word. Also that he is God, that he is the same as God and they are one being. Christianity is mostly found in North America, Europe, and parts of Africa.
2. Islamic
     The religion known as Islam was founded around 630 AD, to be more specific most say it was around 632 AD. The religion was founded in a place called Mecca and its founder is Muhammad. This is also a monotheistic religion because its belief is to have one and only one god. The holy book for this religion is the Quran. This book is made up of different stories and parts of Islamic history. The main figure for Islam is called Allah which is the Arabic way of saying God. There are around 1.4 billion Islamic people in the world. Islamic people are generally located in the Middle East,Northern Africa,Central Asia, South Asia, Western Africa, Indian subcontinent, Malay Archipelago with large population centers existing in Eastern Africa,Balkan Peninsula, Russia and China. .
3. Buddhism
   Buddhism has been around for a long time and was started in about the 4 century BC. This religion was founded in the northern region of India although it is still not the most popular religion in India. The founder of Buddhism is not Buddha, although that can be a nickname for him his true name was Siddhartha. There are around 350 million Buddhist people in the world and it does have a sacred holy book. The name of this holy book is the Tipitika and it is written in an old Indian language called Pali. The main figure in the Buddhist religion is Buddha himself and it most of its followers are located in various parts of Asia.
4. Hinduism
    Hinduism was founded 1500 BC or earlier than that. It is one of the oldest religions in the world. A surprising fact to most is that Hinduism is a monotheistic religion. They believe in only one God, but the god has reincarnated into many different gods. The Hindus do not just have one holy book they have a few which are called Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, and Bhagavad Gita. There are about 900 million and some say up to 1.4 billion Hindus in the world. They rank 3rd in the world in number of Hindus. The main population of Hindus are in India, however they have moved and immgrated to many different areas such as the Americas, Australia, and Africa.
5. Judiasm
    It was founded around 2000 BC and Abraham is their founder. Judiasm also only believes in one god so it is monotheistic. The Torah is the holy book in Judiasm and is used as a rule or instruction book for the Jews. Statics show there are anywhere from 12-14 million Jews in the world and they are mostly located in Isreal, however there are small amounts in countries in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. The prominent figures of Judiasm are the prophets and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

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