Monday, October 1, 2012

The Ending!

Today in class we finished watching our movie on the Sudanese Lost Boys. We learned that John had been ruinited with his mother and sister, but we do not know however if they lived with him or were still in Africa. They came to America and he was reuntited with his mother of 17 years! He is supporting his family and is also a graduate of Syracuse University. Also John created his own foundation to help the Lost Boys and raise awareness. Daniel however was not as lucky as John and never found his parents or family as of the day the movie was produced. He was still in the job core program where he could learn and find a job as well. Panther is a graduate of Pitt University! He earns enough money to go back to Sudan and marry his girl friends and he is also continuing in his dream to create a school in Sudan so they can use all the rich resources they have and be rich! I think we should help the Lost Boys because it is an important thing in this world of issues that we are faced with. I think a good idea would be to create awareness of this event or by donating food/money to them because of the difficulties they have!

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