Monday, October 15, 2012

Today in class for human geo we talked about different ethnic groups and how some coexist and others do not. There are countries in the world who just are unable to live with each other and live peacefully. They have civil wars that are horrific and very harmful to the people. Then there are other countries that are entirely made up of different ethnic groups and religions and are very successful countries. We also talked about how different religions cause civil wars and arguments. Mr. Schick believes that religion causes the most wars in the world. They all believe in one God, but they just call him different names and that progresses into millions of deaths in this world. We talked about how countries such as Korea and Japan are very isolated and only allow their own ethnic group and religion to stay in their countries. They are very blocked off from each other. Then there are countries in Africa, such as Sudan we just learned about, that have civil wars and many killings about the religion issues. However there are other countries such as the United States that can coexist and are fine with multiple different ethnicities living together peacefully and forming one of the most successful countries in the world today. In the latter part of class we talked about the blog we had to do on the 5 religions. In class we only went over Christianity so far. The central figure was Jesus and a few dozen followers progressed into 2.2 million followers of Jesus. This happened because of the Pual/Saul story and evangelism. This also was possible because of social networking. 

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