Thursday, October 11, 2012

Notes on culture

Today in class we took notes for the majority of the time. The lesson today was about culture and the different kinds. The first slide was showing a map of the United States of America and the different ways the people say a soft drink. In the area we live in here in Maryland most people call it soda, however if you look at somewhere such as Chicago they call it pop. Also in class we talked on the issue of being prejudice. Mr. Schick told us a story about how his wives friend was complaining on how verizon wireless has to have an option for having Spanish. The friend of his wives said they should learn English, but it should not really matter to him and if they speak Spanish then they should have an option for it. Many customers are Spanish speakers so it would be helpful to have that and also if an American moved to a different country and the main language was not English they would want to have an English option so they can better understand. Then he complained how customer service was always an Indian, but he doesn't realize they pay half the price to them then they would to an American worker. So the bill for his phone and stuff would go extremely high and he would then get ticked off on how expensive it is!

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